
MILK( 2 Ltrs) $5 Abhishekam to Shiva Lingam with Milk – Gives long life
CURD(1 Ltr) $5 Abhishekam to Shiva Lingam with Curd – Gives Good Children, Blessing for children
GHEE (1 Ltr) $10 Abhishekam to Shiva Lingam with Ghee– Gives Moksha state
HONEY (1 Ltr) $10 Abhishekam to Shiva Lingam with Honey – Melodious voice, Enhancement of music talents
COCONUT WATER(1 Ltr) $5 Abhishekam to Shiva Lingam with  Coconut water – Gives enjoyment and full satisfaction in life
PANCHAMURTA MATERIAL $35 Abhishekam to Shiva Lingam with Panchagavyam-Pancha Kavyam (a mixture of five ingredients i.e. milk, curd, ghee, coconut water & honey) – Removes all sins of mankind
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Donation Total: $35.00